Events Celebrating the Farm: A community table featuring Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative

Celebrating the Farm: A community table featuring Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative

Celebrating the Farm: A community table featuring Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative

Monday, Jun 3rd at 10:30 PM

The Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative is not just an organization; it's a movement rooted deep within the local community, with a commitment to sustainability. Their mission extends beyond farming, building partnerships to improve the local food economy. Our upcoming event, "Celebrate The Farms," is a tribute to this cooperative and the local farmers they work with. This event will feature a multi-course dinner curated by Chefs Stephen Lee and Kevin Venbrux with Beverage Director, Jen Splain. They will be using the fresh, late spring bounty procured from local farms to create a culinary feast. This event is not just about enjoying a delicious meal; it is an opportunity to delve deeper into the inspiring mission of the LFFC. Join us in celebrating our local farmers and the incredible work they do!

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